Sherwood Homes
Sherwood Homes was a new development of three homes built in Gordon Head where a protected forest covenant was put into place in which the homes and landscape where required to be integrated with. Cain Landscape Studio set our intention to create landscapes that complimented the new buildings, created a continuity of charater between the three homes while mainataining distinction and blending in with the protected covenant areas.
These homes ended up having beautiful large lawns in the backyard for friends, family and children to enjoy while featuring garden scenes laid out along the back fence that can be viewed from the within the homes and back patios. From the main street and coming along the shared private road the garden beds in front of each home seamlessly continue a theme of "emergence from the forest" as they reach the furthest home which is nesttled up against a thick forested covenant area. Here the cultivated landscape emerges from the forest of large trees and thicket native vegetation where the home owners can enjoy their cozy space underneath the forested canopy.